Why a workplace wellness program should be implemented by a small employer is important.

Why a workplace wellness program should be implemented by a small employer is important.

My definition of a small business is one with fewer than 50 employees and less than 100 full-time employees. The most important reasons are mostly of a non-financial nature for the small employer. A worksite wellness program won’t likely result in health-related savings for many small businesses, for a number of reasons.

Workplace wellness should be considered an investment in the business and employees of the small employer, as it is for all employers. This is an investment that will undoubtedly pay off in multiple ways.

First important reason: A Great Workplace As an employer, you want to be regarded as a great workplace. This pays off with employees and in your perception of the community as a whole. Having your employees talk about how great your company is to work for is the best form of publicity and marketing.

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