Seven Steps to Boost Vehicle Performance and MPG

Seven Steps to Boost Vehicle Performance and MPG

1. Only use brand-name engine oil: Always use a reputable brand of engine oil. Not only will using oil that is heavier than what your car engine can handle ruin your engine, but it will also reduce your fuel efficiency by at least 1-2% over time. When you change your engine oil on time and use recommended grade oil from reputable brands, you prolong the life of your engine, improve vehicle fuel economy, and keep your vehicle in good working order until your next oil change.

2. Alter the tires: One of the main factors that reduces a vehicle’s gas mileage per gallon is worn-out or badly worn tires. Tires lose their ability to hold air pressure as they age, which means that they require more engine power to carry the same amount of weight as newer tires do by maintaining high tire pressure with less effort. Therefore, tires ought to be maintained in the best possible condition. In terms of increased gas mileage per gallon, they definitely contribute. Up to 3% less fuel can be saved with new tires.In order to save money and use less fuel, a hybrid vehicle employs a number of power-saving techniques. The engine is not required when the vehicle is stopped at a traffic signal. As a result, the engine is off, and the electric motor is the only one that can run. Additionally, they use lighter engines to cut weight. Another way they save fuel is through their aerodynamic design. The air resistance will be minimally reduced as a result.

Materials that are strong but light are used to construct any hybrid vehicle. The vehicle’s total weight will fall as a result. Plastics, aluminum, and carbon fiber are typically utilized. While diesel-powered hybrids are still in their experimental stages, the majority of hybrid automobiles use gasoline engines. They may still have better fuel economy.

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