Do you have a system for pre-qualification?

Do you have a system for pre-qualification?

Is this a familiar scenario? You play phone tag with a potential customer. After a few months, you set up a meeting, share useful ideas and information at the first meeting, and then you wait. You go through this procedure numerous times. Somebody eventually transacts business with you. After about a year, you might actually be working with that new client.

There are a number of disadvantages you face as a result of this procedure: 1. You’re in a mode of pursuit. You will need to persuade the prospect, unless they have an immediate need. 2. Simply determining whether there is a good fit takes a significant amount of your time. Ultimately, your time is valuable. Because not every call, email, or referral you get is your ideal customer, setting up a pre-qualification system makes perfect sense.

Almost every step in your selling process can be automated or standardized. You and your prospect can determine whether there is a good match with a well-defined pre-qualification system. A pre-qualification system might also be simpler to set up than you think! Some suggestions: Use your marketing tools to better serve your customers if you spend a lot of time educating them or responding to frequently asked questions. On your website, you should include the answers to those frequently asked questions. You might even discover that you can simply overcome objections by responding to a question that your prospect hasn’t asked but may be thinking about. If they haven’t expressed that concern, how would you know what it is?

The response is basic. Pay attention to your current clients. One of my clients, for instance, who runs a successful hypnotherapy practice found that one of her current customers was hesitant to do business with her. It turned out that her client went to a show and saw a member of the audience being hypnotized and made to bark like a dog on stage. My client addressed this concern in a Q&A on her website when she discovered this perception of hypnotherapy. If you have a particular procedure, you might want to include a video to help explain it to your clients.

You will ultimately empower your prospect to make an educated choice. Put on your customer hat as well when creating your pre-qualification system, you should remember that. You might lose them if your system is too complicated. Create a process that is easy to use and always adds value. Make a map of your entire sales process to get started. Consider how you can pre-qualify your prospects in a systematic and automated manner once you have that mapped out. Then, watch as your bottom line grows.

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