Yes, even your small business can get a loan today from these three sources.

Yes, even your small business can get a loan today from these three sources.

Now, when we talk about loans for small businesses, we only mean loans for small businesses. We are not referring to loans of $1 million or $500,000 to acquire investment property or commercial real estate.

We are not discussing a credit line of $3 million for the sole purpose of displaying capital on a balance sheet. Furthermore, we are not discussing a $250,000 equipment loan for a local construction firm. True small business credit refers to loans under $150,000.

Amounts of capital that the 22 million small businesses in this country could use at some point for working capital, renovations, inventory purchases, marketing, payroll, new product development, or simply having the capital on hand to acquire and satisfy customers (what business is really about). However, we have heard time and time again that banks are refusing to lend to small businesses because they believe they pose too much of a risk.

As a result, a lot of small businesses are now avoiding applying for credit out of fear of being turned down. And as a result, small businesses are failing to realize their full potential, effectively passing up lucrative opportunities.

However, just because banks don’t see the true value of small businesses does not mean that other people do. There are other people who are willing to fund your business in any way they can. Benefits of Small Business There are approximately 22 million small businesses in the United States, which constitute a formidable force.

Small businesses, according to the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council; Provide two-thirds of the nation’s new jobs. contribute nearly fifty percent to our GDP. represent 97.8 percent of all exports. Additionally, produce 16.5% more innovation than larger businesses. everything that contributes to America’s success as a nation.

However, it is acceptable for banks to consider these businesses to be too risky because, in light of the nation’s entrepreneurial spirit, other financing companies (lenders) are stepping in to cover small business loans that traditional lenders and banks will not. As a result, you no longer need to worry about being turned down.

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