Innovative Customer Service: Overachieving without blowing the budget.

Innovative Customer Service: Overachieving without blowing the budget.

There is an energy exchange that takes place at every business transaction between your company and a client. The most typical scenario involves the client providing you with something in exchange for payment: a service or product. It is essential to ensure that the client has the impression that they are receiving more from you than they are giving you. You might have paid more for something than you thought it was worth in the past.

You end up feeling like you were cheated or taken advantage of. You are placing your faith in the outcome when you make an investment in a product or service. You lose faith in the ability of the company to deliver results when you believe you will receive less than you paid for. Clients shouldn’t feel that way when they leave. You want them to feel as though they got more for their money. That can be accomplished in some ways without spending a lot of money. Giving thanks is one option.

You will give your clients more energy if you show them how much you value them. You put in the time and effort to send a thank-you note. They receive something valuable from you at a low cost to your company. Adding more value is another approach. Information is present in every business. Their expertise is the focus of their knowledge base. It won’t cost you anything extra if you share some of that knowledge. Because it’s information you already know and may take for granted, you don’t need to do much more work. The customer benefits from receiving more value. Because they lack the same expertise, it might be something that really helps them. Recognition is another thing people enjoy. You can publicly acknowledge your customers to your followers. This could be announced on a blog or on social media as our client of the month.

You could also include them in a paper newsletter you send to customers highlighting your work with them. They receive recognition and exposure as a result. It gives them a sense of importance. It’s a low-cost way to give your customers more value and deliver interesting content. A great way to make your customers feel like they are getting more from you is to provide them with ongoing care. They can be nurtured by your attention to them. Let them know that you have a personal relationship with them and care about them. Engage in a private, non-billable conversation for a few minutes. Additionally, you can set up ongoing nurturing mailings to your cherished customers. These ought to be low-cost mailings with high value that do not promote your products or services.

They should not contain a sale or coupon. The mailing should be friendly and not promotional if the goal is to strengthen your client relationship. Give thanks to your customers. Nurture and recognize them. Inform them of your knowledge. Your customers may have the impression that they received more value than they paid for by doing any one of these things. They continue to be a loyal customer as a result of their trust in your ability to deliver.

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