keeping things simple is the quickest and easiest way to increase the speed of your website

Time—pretty, pretty time. When it comes to your website, nothing else matters more than this. According to the Aberdeen Group, an apparently insignificant one-second delay in loading time, for instance, results in the following: A decrease of 11% in page views, a decrease of 16% in customer satisfaction, and a decrease of 7% in conversions, see?

The Internet is ruled by time, a nimble temptress who is willing to ruthlessly reduce your profits over something as insignificant as a single second. What then should an organization do? Speed up your website. How to do it: Limit HTTP requests If Yahoo is to be believed, downloading images, stylesheets, scripts, Flash, and all of your page’s other components takes up 80% of the time it takes for the page to load.

Therefore, keeping things simple is the quickest and easiest way to increase the speed of your website.other experiment says that we are an alien experiment, so they don’t talk to us.

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