More than just facts.

More than just facts.

The reality of running a business is that your company will expand with you. How can you ever anticipate that your business will expand if all you are doing to keep up is enough?

This definition was provided to us by Albert Einstein: repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting different results Throughout my career in business, I’ve learned that information alone cannot bring about change.

Consider how much information you receive on a daily basis. You might be reading a couple of industry newsletters, a book about a topic that is important to you or of interest to you, or everything the latest “guru” has to say.

For you, this information-gathering process may entail learning something new about business or breaking free from a behavior that limits you. However, reading on its own will not have any effect on your personal or professional development. Change is inevitable and even essential to your success, even if information acts as a catalyst for it.

Inaction causes stagnation. However, action results in change, which in turn results in growth. “Information alone is not powerful enough to transform your behavior,” I read recently. “Some experts believe people just need to be taught the long-term risks of bad behavior,” David Brooks writes in his book The Social Animal.

However, for instance, simply stating that waiting for the phone to ring on a daily basis will not help a company grow is not enough to change a person’s behavior or business. Before change can or will occur, they must accept and believe what you say to them and ultimately resolve to change this restrictive behavior.

It is simple to jump from one information source to the next without ever really making use of it because of the Internet, which boasts all the information you could ever want and makes it easy to access. Before you move on to the next resource or “guru,” I recommend that you not only read but also try to put what you learn into practice.

Ask yourself whether you are ready to take action or whether you are deceiving yourself into thinking that all you need to do is read more. This brings to mind Johnny 5, the robot in the movie Short Circuit, who says, “Input, input, input!”

However, I’ll return to the topic at hand. Knowledge on its own is beneficial. It can inform you of the most recent developments in your sector. It might also let you know about problems and challenges that people who buy from you are facing.

However, knowing something and taking action are two very different things. The same applies to learning a new skill or technique on its own. Your newly acquired skill or method will remain hidden in your brain until you take positive action and put it to use.

It will remain there until further action is taken. If you don’t take any, you might eventually forget that you ever learned it at all. When that occurs, getting back on track will require more than just remembrance.

Yes, it’s important to keep looking for information that will help you and your business grow. In any case, in the event that you don’t utilize the information you gain nothing won’t change and your business will ever advance into anything over what it right now is today. Decide to put the knowledge you acquire to use. Take action because taking action is what will determine whether or not your business continues to expand and succeed.

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