Release your enthusiasm and passion.

Release your enthusiasm and passion.

Keep in mind that it is acceptable to not know the answer to a question as long as you provide an answer later. Simply be sincere and self-assured about it. Get ready for the role. I once witnessed the worst presentation ever given by a nervous individual whose notepad shook directly in front of the microphone.

In addition, he apologized repeatedly throughout his speech and appeared petrified. You are playing the role of a self-assured and skilled YOU, something he had not realized or been taught! He wouldn’t have had any issues at all if someone had instructed him to practice and perfect that role. Why, because Anthony Hopkins was the presenter! Be who you are naturally. If this isn’t your style, don’t try to be funny or tell a joke.

That is what you have to say to your audience and what “sells” you. Practice makes perfect and boosts confidence at the same time. This does not imply practicing your presentation in front of a mirror until it is flawless, although some people find that to be effective. One of the skills you need to learn in public is this one. There is no escaping it; all that is required of you is to stand there and present! Make use of each presentation as a learning opportunity.

Don’t let the end result of everything that didn’t go as planned make you feel bad about yourself. Keep in mind that no one knows precisely what you intended to say, so if you forget something, no one will know. How wonderful is that? You’ll come across as much more professional and self-assured than you think. The majority of viewers of self-presentation videos, in my experience, state this. Give yourself permission to identify one flaw in the presentation. Move on after determining what you’ve learned. The one thing you learned should be followed by three things you did well. Can’t come up with any?

“Your starter for ten” is here, and you got up and did it! Find chances to stretch yourself and improve this important business skill. So, stop making excuses. But keep in mind that giving a presentation at a conference right away might be a step too far for you at first and could undermine your confidence. Start small and build up to this with small presentations. Learn to enjoy presenting first and foremost. Good luck, and please inform me of your progress and lessons learned.

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