Before it’s too late to enjoy your dreams, follow them.

Before it’s too late to enjoy your dreams, follow them.

My once-active mother now finds all tasks challenging, but she perseveres with gritted teeth! She recently made the decision to regularly visit the town. She doesn’t need anything in particular, but she does need some relief from her now rather mundane life and the satisfaction of accomplishment!

She was dropped off outside a specific shop on this particular excursion, which she delightedly shared with us. Parking was impossible, so a new time and location were set for the meeting. She decided to walk down to another shop after entering the shop and deciding there was nothing she liked.

She decided that since she wouldn’t use the lift by herself, she would have to tackle the escalator if she wanted to see the clothes upstairs. Once inside, she was confronted by an escalator. She then ascended tremblingly while holding a bag and a stick in one hand and grabbing the rail in the other.

She had not done this in a long time. Sadly for her, the sale was about to end, and the models were covered in the sale’s last vestiges—not what she had in mind! She looked at her watch and saw that there was nothing suitable, and she knew it was time to take the taxi.

She walked the length of the department store as quickly as she could, going completely in the wrong direction to find the lift because there was absolutely no way she could manage the stairs. She walked the wrong way, so when she asked the assistant where the lift was, she was sent back the other way.

She finally got to the lift, which was packed to the brim, and a rather large woman offered her arm to hold her steady as she descended to the shop floor. She tried, but she couldn’t hurry to find her taxi because she was clearly late. Despite her tired feet and shortness of breath, she sped along the pavement with her stick as quickly as she could. Fortunately, he saw her, and she was safely taken home.

We have repeatedly offered to take her wherever and whenever she wants, but she sees the adventure in calling a taxi, arranging the trip, and carrying it out on her own terms. Do you pursue your goals with the same level of determination and perseverance? Do it right away, before it’s too late.

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