Here are seven email rules you absolutely must break.

Here are seven email rules you absolutely must break.

Over time, many rules have changed. Once obligatory, PowerPoint as a presentation tool is now routine and frequently regarded as out of date. Email marketing is the same way; rules that used to apply to marketing should now be seen as an opportunity to improve.

When did marketing become as straightforward as black-and-white? Who knows for sure that a crazy idea for marketing will never work? The fact of the matter is that any and all options are open to consideration so long as you do not violate any laws.

Having said that, since we are not attorneys, you should verify the practicality and legality of your actions on your own. Test and Measure As with all marketing strategies, always construct with the intention of testing and evaluating your outcomes.

Email marketing makes this easier because your Newsletter software will tell you what is and isn’t working. Even if a strategy worked for someone else, don’t assume it will work for you. Additionally, do not assume that “breaking” any of the aforementioned “rules” will result in success.

However, at the very least, make use of them as a springboard for generating new ideas for how to distinguish yourself from competitors in the market. Challenge the Old Rules Here are some marketing conventions that you might want to break in your next campaign. 1. Challenge the list of words to “Never Use.” Having said that, avoid using words that will cause spam filters to activate.

2. Do not purchase email lists. If not, consider other methods for creating lists. 3. Never include an easy-to-find unsubscribe link in your emails. What would people think if you did that? 4. Send emails only midweek. What would happen if you sent emails when nobody else was?

5. Never use spelling mistakes in an email, especially in the subject line. Why not make your message stand out? 6. Keep your emails to a minimum. Although perhaps not over a prolonged period, why not periodically in brief bursts? 7. Never send so-called “ugly” emails again; why not make your message stand out?

Consider the following additional points: a. Timing: Avoid sending emails at night. On weekends, don’t send emails. Emails should not be sent on Friday afternoons. b. Content Maintain a balance of text and images at all times. Never send only a picture. Never just send text. In your content, don’t use all capital letters, especially not in the subject. c. Building your list Don’t charge people to join your mailing list with their email addresses.

Again, we aren’t saying that breaking any of these rules will guarantee better or even any results for you. However, it’s worthwhile to compare them to what you’re doing now.

Sometimes, all it takes to get great results is to break one taboo rule in marketing! Also, make sure to test and measure any changes you make. That really is quite straightforward! . What are your next steps? Examine the guidelines you adhere to in marketing.

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