Three Ways to Make Your Small Business More Profitable From Customers.

Three Ways to Make Your Small Business More Profitable From Customers.

Customer profitability is a term you may have heard. The following is how it is defined by Wikipedia: Customer profitability (CP) is the profit a company makes from serving a single customer or group of customers over a certain amount of time, specifically the difference between what it makes and what it spends on the relationship with that customer.

First, look over your website and consider how difficult it is for customers to get in touch with you. Keep in mind that different people will contact you in different ways. To connect with your company, some people would rather call you directly, others would rather send you an email, and still others would rather use some form of social media. Make it simple for them to connect with you through a variety of channels, whichever method they prefer. On every page of your website, place links to your phone number and email address, preferably in the upper right corner. Your visitors shouldn’t have to look for your contact information on their own if they only have access to your “contact us” page. “Your website visitors are like monkeys on crack,” according to social media thought leader Seth Godin. To put it another way, they’re gone if they can’t find a way to connect with you, the banana, whenever they want.

Stop thinking small is the second strategy to think about. To put it another way, consider the products or services you offer and create three basic packages:My point is as follows: small, medium, large. Instead of thinking like a business owner, think like your customers. They have a variety of wants and needs that come in a variety of sizes and shapes. It is your responsibility to provide them with what they want, in what manner, and in what quantity. Do not sit around and wait for them to tell you what they want. Inform them.

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