Problems Small Businesses and Tradespeople Face

Problems Small Businesses and Tradespeople Face

For some, working in the trades is just a job or a way to get something else done. For some, it’s a calling, a part of who they are. Some tradespeople set the highest standards for themselves and stick to what they believe in and care about.

Finding a tradesperson who is both professional in appearance and conduct and who cares about and enjoys what they do is a challenge for any homeowner. A recent survey found that 58% of homeowners have trouble locating a trustworthy tradesperson to assist with home improvements or repairs. It is more likely to be “very difficult” for women to locate a trustworthy tradesperson to assist with home improvements or repairs.

Nearly £2 billion is spent annually in the United Kingdom alone to correct erroneous work performed by unqualified tradespeople. Why are so many homeowners having trouble locating an honest, dependable, and professional tradesperson, despite the fact that there are numerous reputable tradespeople all over the world? Although I will attempt to share my experience and opinion, the response is difficult.

I have worked as a tradesman for more than 30 years, specializing in; plumbing, building, tiling, plastering, and decorating I enjoyed going to school as a young man, but my priority was always making a living and raising a family. Consequently, in my late teens, I made the decision to leave home to try to make my mark on the world. Even though I had a good work ethic once I got there, I had a hard time finding a good job because I didn’t have the “qualifications” or a university degree. As a result, the only jobs I could get were labor positions or jobs at convenience stores. I was fortunate to find a tradesman who hired me and taught me how to lay tiles, launching my career. I learned the building, plumbing, plastering, and decorating trades from that point on.

In the fast-paced digital era, a website without proper SEO is like a hidden treasure chest buried in a vast desert. SEO is the map that guides search engines to your website’s doorstep, making it accessible to your target audience.

Understanding the Basics of SEO
SEO encompasses a range of strategies and techniques designed to enhance a website’s visibility on search engines. It involves both on-page and off-page optimization to ensure your content reaches your intended audience.

Keyword Research: The Foundation of SEO
At the heart of every successful SEO strategy lies meticulous keyword research. By identifying the right keywords, you can tailor your content to match what users are searching for.

On-Page SEO: Optimizing Your Website’s Elements
4.1 Heading Tags and Their Importance
Heading tags, from H1 to H6, not only structure your content but also provide hierarchy to your information, making it easier for both users and search engines to understand.

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